I’m Barbara.
Join me for
Sound Journey - Destress with Crystal Sounds.
Take time out to completely relax !!
Want an energy boost? Need to de-stress? Allow the magic of sound to heal you.
Everything is sound and vibration - when our bodies return to harmony and a natural rhythm, we can experience sound consciously. Pure resonance from the crystal bowls, voice and other instruments can bypass the intellect, with the ability to release blocked energy. Finally, there's a precious stillness that you can bathe in !!
It's great to feel rejuvenated, clear-headed & less stressed.
The heart rate, respiratory system and brainwaves change to a slower rhythm as you listen to the harmony of the sounds. Neuro-chemicals are activated and the autonomic nervous system is balanced.
This sound session is a combination of guided meditation, voice toning and a sound healing experience. Participants are invited to lie on a mat and take full advantage of the sound healing in a relaxed way.
Essential: Please bring your own mat, blanket, pillow & water.
Cost: $30 Concession $25. refund $5 at venue.
Enquiries - contact Barbara Jackson 0405 764 617
more info: www.sublimesoundhealing.com.au